"If You Can’t Feed 100 people than just Feed ONE."
~Mother Teresa

Feeding Program

For just $10/month we can add a child, widow, or mentally handicapped person to our feeding program.

Undernutrition is a cause of 3.1 million child deaths annually in the world.

Over 40% of Zambia’s population is undernourished.

Approximately 25,000 people die of Starvation every day around the world.

3 million people in Zambia go hungry every night.

Zambia currently having a food shortage and on the verge of Famine.

Location- Minambe- The poorest village or “Compound” in the Mufulira District. We found many families struggling to put food on their tables. Also, many neglected children and orphans suffering from malnutrition. In 2018 we started a feeding Program. Two Amazing ladies, Dynass and Maureen, started making food for 10 children 5 days a week. Now we feed over 20 children, a deaf widow, a few mentally handicapped children and young adults, and the cooks’ families, 2 meals per day 7 days a week. The children get heights/weights and a medical check once a month. They also receive health education monthly. The children LOOK HAPPY and HEALTHY NOW!

We would love to expand this program into several other compounds/villages and for the widow/elderly population.

He who is generous will be blessed. For he gives some of his food to the poor. – Proverbs 22:9

malnourished child at feeding program


